How to Bridge to Immutable X


May 21, 2024

Bridging to Immutable X can revolutionize your DeFi experience. Learn the step-by-step process to securely transfer your tokens and take advantage of Immutable X's lightning-fast transactions and low gas fees.

You can easily move your cryptocurrencies like ETH, BTC, and USDT to Immutable X using a reliable cross-chain bridge called Orbiter Finance.

Can I Bridge to Immutable X?

Yes, you can. Immutable X is a secure Layer 2 solution for Ethereum that focuses on scalability and zero gas fees for NFTs and gaming assets. It uses advanced technology to ensure your transfers are safe and efficient. You can transfer cryptocurrencies like ETH, BTC, and USDT to Immutable X using popular wallets such as MetaMask.

Steps to Bridge to Immutable X

  1. Visit Orbiter Finance: Go to the Orbiter Finance website and connect your Web3 wallet like MetaMask.

  2. Choose Your Networks and Asset: Select your starting network (like Ethereum, Arbitrum, or Base) and set Immutable X as your destination. Then, choose the cryptocurrency you want to transfer.

  3. Start the Transfer: Enter the amount you want to transfer and click 'Approve' to start the process.

  4. Finish the Transfer: Follow the instructions from your wallet to complete the transfer.


Orbiter Finance charges a small fee of 0.03% plus the usual network fees. For example, transferring from Ethereum might cost up to $20, while transferring from Arbitrum might cost less than $2.

About Immutable X

Immutable X is a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum designed for NFTs and gaming. It offers zero gas fees and instant transactions, making it ideal for high-frequency trading and minting. Immutable X leverages zk-rollups technology to ensure high security and efficiency.


Immutable X is a robust and efficient solution for transferring cryptocurrencies, especially for NFTs and gaming assets. Using Orbiter Finance, you can safely and efficiently move your assets to Immutable X, benefiting from its zero gas fees and high security standards.

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