Moralis Review : Features, Pricing, and Real-World Performance for Blockchain Developers




Nov 23, 2023

Moralis is a comprehensive Web3 development platform designed to provide developers with a seamless and efficient way to build decentralized applications (dApps). Its aim is to simplify the process of creating dApps by offering a fully managed, serverless infrastructure that integrates easily with blockchain technologies. This includes features such as user authentication, automatic smart contract syncing, a real-time database, and scalable hosting solutions.

Moralis offers APIs and SDKs to interact with various blockchains, making it easier for developers to handle backend blockchain operations. This allows developers to focus on the frontend user experience and application logic, without the need to manage the complex, underlying blockchain infrastructure.

Moralis Features

Moralis provides a suite of features designed to streamline the development of Web3 applications. Here are some of the key features and functionalities:

  • Serverless Functions: Moralis offers serverless computing capabilities, allowing developers to run backend code without managing servers. This can significantly reduce the overhead associated with server maintenance and scaling.

  • User Authentication: The platform includes a secure and flexible user authentication system. It supports traditional methods as well as blockchain-based authentication, enabling users to sign in using their wallet addresses.

  • Real-time Database: Moralis features a real-time database that synchronizes with blockchain events. This means that developers can create reactive applications that update instantly as new blocks are mined and transactions occur.

  • Smart Contract Syncing: The platform can automatically index and sync smart contract events, making it easy for developers to integrate smart contract functionalities into their applications.

  • Cross-Chain Compatibility: Moralis offers support for multiple blockchains, giving developers the flexibility to build applications that interact with different networks, such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and others.

  • IPFS Integration: For decentralized file storage, Moralis integrates with the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), facilitating the storage and sharing of files in a distributed network.

Unique Selling Points

What differentiates Moralis from its competitors are several standout features:

  • Speed of Development: By providing a highly abstracted platform, Moralis allows for rapid development and deployment of dApps, which is crucial in the fast-paced blockchain ecosystem.

  • Comprehensive Backend Services: The combination of serverless functions, user authentication, and real-time database services in one platform is not always common among competitors, making Moralis a more integrated solution.

  • One-Click dApp Deployment: Moralis often provides easy deployment options that can significantly reduce the complexity of going from development to production.

  • Scalability: With its serverless infrastructure, Moralis can automatically scale to handle applications of any size, which is essential for dApps that might experience volatile usage patterns.

  • Developer-Friendly Tools: Moralis may offer various tools and SDKs that make it simpler to build feature-rich applications without deep blockchain expertise.

  • Educational Resources: Beyond technical features, Moralis may stand out for its commitment to educating developers through tutorials, documentation, and active community engagement.

These features and unique selling points contribute to Moralis being a potentially powerful and attractive platform for developers looking to build and scale dApps efficiently.

Ease of Use

Moralis is designed with a focus on user experience, prioritizing a streamlined process for setting up and managing the backend of Web3 applications. It allows developers to easily integrate blockchain functionality without the need to manage infrastructure, which can significantly reduce the barrier to entry for Web3 development.

The platform typically provides clear and comprehensive documentation, which is a critical aspect for any development tool. Moralis is likely to offer a variety of guides, tutorials, and API references that facilitate a smooth onboarding process for new users. Developer resources, such as sample code, starter projects, and community-built templates, further support the integration of Moralis into existing projects.

Users may appreciate the straightforward setup process, often involving just a few lines of code to initialize the SDK and start interacting with blockchain data. The feedback on Moralis's ease of use would likely include positive remarks on how it enables developers to focus on the front end and business logic, rather than the complexities of blockchain technology.

Performance and Reliability

In terms of performance, applications built with Moralis are expected to be responsive and efficient, as the platform handles the heavy lifting of real-time data synchronization and interaction with the blockchain. The performance aspect is especially crucial when dealing with blockchain transactions, which can be complex and resource-intensive.

Reliability is another vital consideration for developers. Moralis would need to ensure high uptime and consistency in service to be trusted for production-grade applications. Any known issues would typically be communicated through official channels, and the resolution of such issues would be a testament to the platform's commitment to reliability.

Moralis Pros and Cons


  • Rapid Development: Moralis allows for quick setup and deployment of dApps, which can significantly accelerate the development process.

  • Ease of Use: The platform is often praised for its user-friendly interface and easy integration into existing projects, helping developers with various skill levels to adopt Web3 technologies.

  • Serverless Architecture: By providing serverless backend services, Moralis can help reduce the costs and complexity of server management and scaling.

  • Comprehensive Documentation: High-quality, thorough documentation and tutorials can help developers get started and troubleshoot issues quickly.

  • Multi-Chain Support: The ability to interact with multiple blockchains can be a significant advantage for projects looking to operate cross-chain.

  • Community and Support: A strong community and responsive support can greatly assist developers in resolving issues and learning best practices.

  • Scalability: Automatic scaling to handle applications of various sizes can be crucial for dApps that may experience unpredictable workloads.


  • Costs: While there may be a free tier, the costs for premium features or higher usage limits might be a concern for startups or individuals with limited budgets.

  • Learning Curve: Some users might find the abstraction layer and the multitude of features overwhelming, leading to a learning curve despite the ease of use.

  • Customization Limitations: There may be limitations on how much users can customize or extend the platform, which could be a drawback for highly specialized projects.

  • Dependence on a Third-Party Provider: Relying on Moralis's infrastructure means that developers are at the mercy of their uptime and any changes they might make to their services.

  • Performance Overhead: While serverless architecture has many benefits, it can introduce latency or performance overhead compared to custom, finely-tuned infrastructures.

  • Limited Control Over Backend Operations: For those who prefer to have complete control over all aspects of their application, using a BaaS (Backend as a Service) platform like Moralis might feel restrictive.

  • Potential for Vendor Lock-in: There's always a risk of becoming too dependent on a specific service provider, making it challenging to migrate to another service in the future.

Moralis Pricing

Moralis has a tiered pricing structure designed to cater to a range of users, from individual developers to large enterprises. Here's an outline of their pricing tiers:

Monthly Subscription:

Starter Plan (Free):

Aimed at developers just starting out.


Moralis APIs

Web3 Authentication

Moralis Streams

Stream Internal Transaction

Community Support

Pro Plan ($49/month):

Targeted at professional individuals in blockchain.

Includes everything in the Starter plan, plus:

More Requests

Higher Throughput

Stream more records

Automatic retries for Stream

Premium endpoints

More Replays and longer retention for historic Streams

Business Plan ($249/month):

Designed for professional teams.

Includes everything in the Pro plan, plus:

Even More Requests

Even Higher Throughput

Stream All Addresses

More Automatic retries, Replays, and longer retention for Streams

Dedicated Account Manager

Enterprise Plan (Custom Pricing):

For businesses needing a tailored solution.

Includes everything in the Business plan, plus:

Custom Limits

SLAs (Service Level Agreements)

Premium Onboarding and Support

100% Delivery Guarantee for Streams


Moralis positions itself as a robust and developer-friendly Web3 platform that significantly simplifies the process of building and managing decentralized applications (dApps). From user authentication to real-time database syncing, Moralis offers a suite of essential tools that are crucial for modern dApp development. The serverless approach and scalable backend solutions it provides can be particularly beneficial for developers looking to streamline their development process and reduce go-to-market time.

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