How to Add Solana to Metamask




Jun 14, 2023

Metamask is a well-known digital wallet that many people who invest in crypto use. It's designed to work with the Ethereum blockchain, but it can also handle lots of other digital currencies and protocols. It can even hold NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), which are a kind of digital asset.

Solana is another kind of blockchain. It's super powerful and designed to help people make decentralized apps, or dApps, that are easy to use and can handle lots of users. Solana is one of the quickest blockchains out there and it's got a ton of projects going on, including stuff with NFTs, DeFi (Decentralized Finance), Web3, and more.

If you're using Metamask as your main wallet for storing and trading crypto and NFTs, you might be wondering if you can add Solana to it. Don't worry, we've got you covered!

In this guide, we'll take a look at whether or not you can add Solana to Metamask. So, let's dive right in!

Steps to add Solana to Metamask: A Walkthrough

Method 1: Using Binance Smart Chain

In this method, we'll add a version of Solana known as wrapped Solana (wSOL) to the Binance Smart Chain. A "wrapped" token is basically a version of a cryptocurrency that can be used on a different blockchain, but has the same value as the original.

Wrapped Solana can be used on the Ethereum Blockchain and can also be converted back to regular Solana. Here's how to add it to Metamask using the Binance Smart Chain.

Step 1: Go to the CoinMarketCap Website

First, head over to the CoinMarketCap website and find the page for Wrapped Solana's token. Once you're there, click on "more" to see a drop-down menu and copy the contract address of Wrapped Solana for the "BNB Smart Chain (BEP20)."

Step 2: Open Metamask and Select BSC

Next, click on the Metamask extension and enter your passcode to unlock it. If you're using the Metamask app, you can unlock it with a PIN, fingerprint, or Face ID. Once you're in, set BSC as your default network.

Step 3: Import Tokens and Paste the Contract Address

When you've got the Binance Smart Chain network selected, scroll down and click on "Import tokens" in the Metamask window. Paste in the contract address you got from CoinMarketCap and in a few moments, Metamask will fill in the rest of the details like the Ticker and Token symbol.

Then click on "Add Custom Token" and there you have it, you've added Solana to your Metamask wallet.

Remember: Solana and Metamask aren't fully compatible, so if you try to send regular SOL tokens to Metamask, you'll lose them forever.

Now that we've covered Method 1, let's take a look at a different way to add Solana to MetaMask.

Method 2: Using a Different Wallet

Certain platforms, especially those involved with NFTs, allow you to use Solana tokens to buy, sell, and trade NFTs and other crypto assets. To do this, you'll need to use a wallet that can handle Solana, like the Phantom wallet, which you can get as a desktop extension or a mobile app.

Here's how you can set up a Phantom wallet to use with Solana:

Step 1: Get the Phantom Wallet Extension or Mobile App

First, head over to the Phantom wallet page and download either the browser extension for your desktop or the mobile app for iOS or Android.

Note: The following steps are for setting up the browser extension.

Step 2: Make a New Wallet

After you've installed Phantom, click on the Phantom wallet icon in your browser and select "Create a New Wallet."

Step 3: Set Up Your Password

Create a strong password to secure your wallet. Confirm your password in the next field, then click "Continue."

Step 4: Make a Backup Recovery Phrase

This is what you'll use to access the Phantom wallet you've just made. Write down the phrase and keep it in a safe place. Once you've done that, check the box and click "Continue."

Step 5: Note the Shortcut Keys

These are what you'll use to open the Phantom wallet extension. After you've written them down, click "Finish."

And there you have it! You've finished setting up your Phantom wallet. That wasn't too hard, was it?

How to Add Solana Network to Metamask - Conclusion

You can't add Solana directly to Metamask because they're built using different programming languages: 

Solana uses Rust while Metamask uses Solidity, and the two just aren't compatible. But don't worry, there are other ways to get Solana into your Metamask account. One option is to use the Binance Smart Chain to add a version of Solana called Wrapped Solana (wSOL) to your account. 

Another option is to use a different wallet, like the Phantom wallet, which can handle Solana. Even though you can't add Solana to Metamask directly, these alternative methods give you some ways to get Solana into your Metamask account.

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